Better Choice Retailers
Why Does Offering Healthy Food Options at my Store Matter?
Convenient stores provide a practical location for residents to shop for food. Often located near schools, parks, and other community gathering places, neighborhood stores are accessible for many in the community. Small retailers are in a unique position to enhance access to healthy foods for people who live, work, and play in their communities.
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Participating Partners
Esssex County Heath Department
Adirondack Action
UVMHN Elizabethtown Community Hospital
Cornell Cooperative Extension
Hub on the Hill
Essex County Office for the Aging
Essex County WIC
Store Benefits
Customers are demanding healthier items. Meeting their demands will ensure consistent and reliable business. Not to mention, stores providing healthier options have a competitive edge over other stores! Even if you have made healthy changes in the past, here is why you should work with us now:
- Receive increased media attention.
- Receive resources and support at no cost to you, including FREE equipment and materials to stock & promote healthy items.
- Assistance in improving store layout for storage and display.
- FREE Advertisement and promotional materials (shelf signs, posters, etc.).
- Increase revenue and attract new customers!
- Receive Information on how to become a WIC and/or SNAP approved vendor.
Retailers that choose to participate must meet specific nutrition requirements to receive their certification such as
- lean protein (like beans, peanut butter, or eggs)
- fresh, frozen or canned fruits and vegetables with no salt, fat or sugar added
- low fat dairy products
- 100% whole grain products (such as 100% whole grain bread, brown rice, oats)
- zero-calorie beverages
- healthy snacks (low sodium, low fat, low sugar, etc.)